Dumbbell Row - Helpful or Harmful?
Kevin Guildhealth and fitness, personal training, dumbbell row, weightlifting, shoulder pain, movement, movement is medicine, guild training systems, kevin guild, performance, sport performance
3 Coaching Lessons From The 2021 Season
Kevin Guildtraining, strength and conditioning, sport performance, programs, assessment, coaching, education, stockton ports, oakland athletics, a's baseball
How To Train Like A Professional Baseball Player
Kevin Guildfitness, strength and conditioning, sports performance, oakland a's, oakland athletics, concept move, personal training, routines, professional athletes, workouts
Coaches, Are We Getting Any Better?
Kevin Guildcoaching, fitness, personal training, data analytics, development, health, strength and conditioning, player development, minor leagues, major leagues
3 Exercises To Use If You Sit All Day
Kevin Guildguild training systems, kevin guild, health and fitness, sedentary, deadlifts, deadbugs, training, personal training, online training, kyphosis
3 Reasons I Give Up On Things
Kevin Guildpersonal training, health and fitness, giving up, strength and conditioning, guild training systems, kevin guild, concept move, oakland athletics, online training, goal setting